I finally completed #96. Get caught up on Degrassi. Wrapped that one up yesterday, as the Every Degrassi Ever marathon came to a close. I was so excited to be completely caught up!! So tonight = Boiling Point and I'm so psyched even though my favorite characters are completely out of the show pretty much by now. Boo :(
Also doing great on #40 cooking 3 meals a week for a month! The whole, trying to save money bit is helping a TON on that one, so this week will be the final week. I do hope to continue on, though. I like saving money and eating the food at home makes me feel more like a functional household than a poor college student. Isn't that ironic? We tend to eat out more when we dont have the money, even though it's way cheaper to go grocery shopping... go figure.
I'm reading Emma, so I'm working on #62. Read all Jane Austen books I have not yet read(Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma).
Also I'm taking advantage of some free prints from shutterfly and printing off some wedding pictures and old pictures and adding them to frames, scrapbooks, and albums, so I'm working on completing #82. Order wedding prints and frame them and #84. Print off old pictures and add them to albums.
I'm feeling pretty good about my progress!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I have an unhealthy obsession with Degrassi TNG, and I love it.
I'm definitely proud of myself for accomplishing more of my 101(or, well, 104, really) in 1001. Sometimes it is hard for me to stick wiht something for too long. I always say I have commitment issues. I dont like to be tied down. (Somehow, the hubby got around this fact- but thats ok!)
So here are the things I've completed or started working on lately.
#1. Give 5 ‘just because’ gifts (1/5)

I gave Steven Pulp Fiction the other day because I found it super cheap at our local video store that is having a massive close out sale. It happens to be his favorite movie (on most days, anyway) and I can never find it super cheap because so many people snatch them up when they go on sale. Well, I found it for 4 bucks. Holla!!
#34. Go through my clothes and get rid of 25 things I no longer wear

This was a huge reality check for me. I've been holding on to clothes that I haven't been able to wear in 5-7 years. These clothes have gone through 4 moves at least, from my high school career up through 4 years of college. Some of them I could wear in the first two years of college, but the last two not years. And I've now been out for 3 years. Can we say attachment, much? At this point even if I could fit into the clothes, they are a bit out of my style. Plus, half the fun of losing weight is buying New clothes! So that solved it. They are officially out of my closet and in the Yard Sale pile.
#35. Go through the office and get rid of 25 things I no longer need

Much the same as 34. Which this, by the way, means I have gotten rid of 50 things I no longer need. Holy crap! Go me! As a hoarder-in-training, this is a big step. But I got to the point where I was OVER IT. I said to Steven, how are we almost 25 and filling up a 4 bedroom house? Ridiculous. It is so hard to make a house look presentable when you have STUFF sitting around everywhere. Drives me nuts.
#39. Book at least two lia sophia shows per month (2/33)
June and July are down, now working on August, and I've got one booked in August already. So it is looking good!
#40. Cook meals 3x a week for a month (1/4)
Week 1 is down! I thought it would be hard, but it really isnt. Especially with trying to stay motivated to lose weight, and attempting to save money for our anniversary trip (which will take care of #15 Visit Savannah and Tybee again).
#46. Write a letter to myself to open in 1001 days
Did this the other day. I actually found it difficult to write a letter to myself in 3 years, because that isn't really that far away. But I still did it.
#70. Make a custom recipe book from our favorite recipes

I had no organization system for my recipes. They were scattered about willy nilly in my kitchen, in my pantry, in my office. So I combined them into one place using a makeshift index card holder I found at a yard sale. Love it!
#71. Lose 50 pounds (6/50)
Yay! It's been sooo hard, but I've had to cut back soo much. I generally eat quite a bit, so I have to get used to not eating as much. But you know what, my incentive comes every time I step on that scale and see that I've lost weight.
#83. Make a photo album of honeymoon pictures
This took me all day. We had over 300 pictures (of course) but I uploaded them to Shutterfly and I have an album hanging out. I'm waiting on a free photobook code before I actually order it though. I'm hoping to have it by September though.
#96. Get caught up on Degrassi

Last week the Teen Nick 'Every Degrassi Ever' marathon started, so this one is soon to be marked off. Right now they are only playing the one's I've seen a billion times, the episodes from the very beginning. Some people you might know from Degrassi are:
Aubrey Graham aka Drake who plays Jimmy Brooks

Nina Dobrev - Elena from Vampire Diaries, who played Mia.

Lauren Collins (Paige) was in Take the Lead
Daniel Clark (♥Sean♥)(see first pic) was in Juno and Model Behavior... That is merely and introduction to some of the characters from the show.
So here are the things I've completed or started working on lately.
#1. Give 5 ‘just because’ gifts (1/5)

I gave Steven Pulp Fiction the other day because I found it super cheap at our local video store that is having a massive close out sale. It happens to be his favorite movie (on most days, anyway) and I can never find it super cheap because so many people snatch them up when they go on sale. Well, I found it for 4 bucks. Holla!!
#34. Go through my clothes and get rid of 25 things I no longer wear

This was a huge reality check for me. I've been holding on to clothes that I haven't been able to wear in 5-7 years. These clothes have gone through 4 moves at least, from my high school career up through 4 years of college. Some of them I could wear in the first two years of college, but the last two not years. And I've now been out for 3 years. Can we say attachment, much? At this point even if I could fit into the clothes, they are a bit out of my style. Plus, half the fun of losing weight is buying New clothes! So that solved it. They are officially out of my closet and in the Yard Sale pile.
#35. Go through the office and get rid of 25 things I no longer need

Much the same as 34. Which this, by the way, means I have gotten rid of 50 things I no longer need. Holy crap! Go me! As a hoarder-in-training, this is a big step. But I got to the point where I was OVER IT. I said to Steven, how are we almost 25 and filling up a 4 bedroom house? Ridiculous. It is so hard to make a house look presentable when you have STUFF sitting around everywhere. Drives me nuts.
#39. Book at least two lia sophia shows per month (2/33)
June and July are down, now working on August, and I've got one booked in August already. So it is looking good!
#40. Cook meals 3x a week for a month (1/4)
Week 1 is down! I thought it would be hard, but it really isnt. Especially with trying to stay motivated to lose weight, and attempting to save money for our anniversary trip (which will take care of #15 Visit Savannah and Tybee again).
#46. Write a letter to myself to open in 1001 days

Did this the other day. I actually found it difficult to write a letter to myself in 3 years, because that isn't really that far away. But I still did it.
#70. Make a custom recipe book from our favorite recipes

I had no organization system for my recipes. They were scattered about willy nilly in my kitchen, in my pantry, in my office. So I combined them into one place using a makeshift index card holder I found at a yard sale. Love it!
#71. Lose 50 pounds (6/50)
Yay! It's been sooo hard, but I've had to cut back soo much. I generally eat quite a bit, so I have to get used to not eating as much. But you know what, my incentive comes every time I step on that scale and see that I've lost weight.
#83. Make a photo album of honeymoon pictures
This took me all day. We had over 300 pictures (of course) but I uploaded them to Shutterfly and I have an album hanging out. I'm waiting on a free photobook code before I actually order it though. I'm hoping to have it by September though.
#96. Get caught up on Degrassi

Last week the Teen Nick 'Every Degrassi Ever' marathon started, so this one is soon to be marked off. Right now they are only playing the one's I've seen a billion times, the episodes from the very beginning. Some people you might know from Degrassi are:
Aubrey Graham aka Drake who plays Jimmy Brooks

Nina Dobrev - Elena from Vampire Diaries, who played Mia.

Lauren Collins (Paige) was in Take the Lead

Daniel Clark (♥Sean♥)(see first pic) was in Juno and Model Behavior... That is merely and introduction to some of the characters from the show.
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