Monday, June 28, 2010

#69: 75 books: Track Record

My #69 is to read 75 of the best 100 novels listed here.
I say 75 because I know that there will be some on the list I will not like AT ALL, so I'm allowing some leeway.
Anyway, this blog entry will be where I keep up with that list.

1. 1984 - Orwell (not so much a fan)
2. To Kill a Mockingbird - Lee (it was ok)
3. The Cather in the Rye - Salinger (very much enjoyed)
4. The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien (thought it was boring. sue me.)
5. Pride and Prejudice - Austen (favorite book. loved it!)
6. The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald (didn't like.)
7. Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky (liked it)
8. Catch-22 - Heller (it was ok)
9. Jane Eyre - Bronte (liked quite a bit)
10. Animal Farm - Orwell (disliked.)
11. Lord of the Flies - Golding (I thought it was weird)
12. The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck (disliked)
13. Harry Potter series - Rowling (liked very much)
14. Wuthering Heights - Bronte (disliked)
15. Great Expectations - Dickens (liked quite a bit)
16. A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens (liked a bit)
17. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Twain (liked quite a bit)
18. War and Peace - Tolstoy (too long)
19. Les Miserables - Hugo (liked quite a bit)
20. Gone With the Wind - Mitchell (loved it!)
21. The Hobbit - Tolkien (did not like)
22. The Chronicles of Narnia - Lewis (liked very much)
23. The Picture of Dorian Grey - Wilde (it was ok)
24. Moby Dick - Melville (disliked)
25. The Da Vinci Code - Brown (loved it!)
26. Invisible Man - Ellison (it was ok)
27. Watership Down - Adams (it was ok)
28. The Time Traveler's Wife - Niffenegger (loved it!)
29. Little Women - Alcott (loved it!)
30. The Stand - King (LOVED IT! another favorite)
31. Memoirs of a Geisha - Golden (yet another favorite. LOVED this one!)
32. Anne of Green Gables - Montgomery (long time favorite. my mom also read it to me when i was very young).
33. Persuasion - Austen (loved it!)
34. Atonement - McEwan (liked it a bit)
35. Angels and Demons - Brown (loved it!)
36. The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne (loved it!)

I'd like to add that this list is what got me to read both The Stand and Memoirs of a Geisha and they are now both on my favorite novels list!

1 comment:

  1. Time Travelers Wife. Loved it and couldn't stop crying at the end. le sigh. :)
